Provider Relations
The Provider Relations team at Cook Children's Health Plan is here to help you and your office staff. If you don't know who your Provider Relations Representative is then let us know and we can make sure a member of our team is in contact with you. We can help with:
- Individualized training for your office staff
- Navigating or registering for our Secure Provider Portal
- Accessing important information such as our Provider manuals and newsletters
- Registering you or your office with a training webinar
- Resolving claim concerns
Email and a member of our Provider Relations team will reach out to help you.
Plan to Attend a Provider Training Webinar!
All Providers are welcome to attend one or more of the one hour training events hosted by our Provider Relations team. Many of our training events are communicated by invitation using your email address. If your email address has changed, please be sure to notify us to ensure email delivery. Send notification of email changes to View our provider training webinar schedule.
Provider Education
- Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
- Acute Prior Authorization (Including Private Duty Nursing)
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Behavioral Health Prior Authorization
- Behavioral Health Services
- Case Management for Children and Pregnant Women
- Credentialing, Re-credentialing, Termination and Provider Demographic Updates
- Cultural Competency
- Early Childhood Intervention
- Early Childhood Intervention (MHMR)
- Electronic Funds Transfer and Electronic Remittance Advice
- Electronic Visit Verification Policy Training for Program Providers
- Electronic Visit Verification Policy Training for FMSAs
- Family Connects Texas
- Family Planning
- Fraud Waste and Abuse
- Healthy Texas Women
- Interpretation Services
- Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Oral Health Matters
- Other Health Insurance
- Out of Network Provider Reference Guide
- Population Health
- Primary Care and Specialty Care Provider Training
- Primary Care Provider Billing Guidelines
- Primary Care Provider Orientation
- Secure Provider Portal
- Specialty, Ancillary and Facility Provider Billing Guidelines
- Specialty, Ancillary and Facility Provider Orientation
- STAR Kids Long Term Services and Supports
- STAR Kids - Transition to Adult Care and Services
- Telecommunication Services
- Texas Health Steps Billing Guidelines
- Texas Health Steps (DSHS)
- Texas Provider Marketing Guidelines
- Texas Vendor Drug Program
- Therapy Services
- Vaccine Billing Guidelines
Provider Advisory Group
Providers are welcome to participate in Cook Children's Health Plan Provider Advisory Group. The Provider Advisory Group meets quarterly and gives Providers an opportunity to share feedback and suggestions with the Health Plan. If you are interested in joining the Advisory Group, contact your Provider Relations Representative at 1-888-243-3312 or